Jesus tells us there is no truth in the devil and those beings that serve him. The Word of Truth has absolute authority over evil and the sent purpose to undo ALL the works of the evil ones. “On earth as it is in Heaven”. The Truth YOU believe does “in-deed” set YOU free and Read more »
Clean or Unclean! There is no in between!
In Romans the sixth chapter Paul writes, “How shall we who are dead to sin live any longer therein?” He goes on to declare that “sin shall no longer have dominion over YOU…” He further states that no longer are we to allow sin to reign in our mortal body. No longer are we to Read more »
By Faith!
In 2 Corinthians 5:17 The great Apostle Paul writes, “Therefore if ANY man be in Christ, he IS a new creature: old things ARE passed away; behold, all things ARE become new.” OK, You have become a Christian….. NOW WHAT? Well two verses earlier Paul writes that now “they which live should not henceforth live Read more »
A Tale of Two Kingdoms
Jesus trained His disciples to a mindset. He imprinted them with His mind (the mind of Christ) through the Holy Spirit of Truth. He taught them in parables as He taught the people and privately, straight from the Father’s heart. He and the Father were ONE in every way. He acted out before them incredible Read more »
He is Lord!
In The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6 verse 46 Jesus asks a simple question…. “And why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and DO NOT the things I say?” He continues on to explain exactly how His Lordship works here on the earth. Right here, in the life you are right now living. (Gal.2:20) “You cannot Read more »
Make Straight The Way For The Lord
John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet: “I am a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’ John 1:23 Before the Lord began His ministry, God had provided the means by which the people could receive Him. John was prepared in the power of the Spirit Read more »