In 2 Corinthians 5:17 The great Apostle Paul writes, “Therefore if ANY man be in Christ, he IS a new creature: old things ARE passed away; behold, all things ARE become new.”
OK, You have become a Christian….. NOW WHAT? Well two verses earlier Paul writes that now “they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them and rose again.” That word henceforth means NOW! You could also say, FROM HERE ON OUT. So we are to live this new life we have been given differently than the old life we are to have left behind. We are to live FOR Him. A famous sign said “You are now here”. Well, you are NOW HERE where “ALL things ARE new”. The great HERE & NOW Land of “Have faith in God!” (Mark 11:22)
In Galatians 2:20 Paul writes, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. AND THE LIFE I NOW LIVE in the flesh I live by THE FAITH of The Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” He continues with “Therefore I do not frustrate the grace of God….”
Paul is saying that in order to live this life God has called me to “I must live by faith”. Without faith it is impossible to live the life He NOW has given to you to serve Him Who died for you. Simply put, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:6) Without faith the life you are now living can be pretty frustrating…. Not just for you but for God as well!
A Master or King that cannot get His servants to consistently follow orders to DO the things He requires & commands them to DO, is in a fine fix! Jesus tells us in John 13:16 that “The servant is not greater than HIS Lord” and repeats this in John 15:20. The Berean bible uses “NO servant is greater…” The kingdom of God on earth isn’t going to be very efficient if those who say they serve their Great King are not interested in DOING what He commands be done. In Hebrews 12:25 Paul writes, “See that you refuse not Him (The Greater One) Who speaks.”
A good and faithful servant is of great value to Him whom they serve.
It is interesting that the first recorded words of The Great Apostle Paul (found in The Book of Romans 1:1) are “Paul, A SERVANT of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto The Gospel.” He identifies himself foremost as A SERVANT of his Lord.
In Matthew 24 :45-46 Jesus asks and answers the question, “Who then is a faithful and wise servant…” “Blessed is that servant, whom His Lord when He comes shall find so doing.” Notice this faithful servant is called wise and has their Lord’s blessing upon them. Note also that servant’s DOING of His Lord’s will is what precedes and identifies them as being faithful.
Our Lord makes the following statements to those who profess to love Him; “If You love Me you will keep My Words, You will keep My Commands, You will do the things I say.” (John 14:15-23) Jesus continues in verse 24… “He that loves Me NOT keeps not My sayings.” (Doesn’t do what The Lord says). A very clear statement of The Truth.
IN verse 31 the chapter concludes with Jesus speaking these words, “that the world may know that I love The Father; as The Father gave Me commandment, even so I DO”. (“Not My Will, but Your Will be DONE.” Mt.26:39, Mk 14:36, Lk.22:44)
Paul, “The servant of The Lord” prays this prayer for those that believe on The Name of Jesus The Christ, “NOW The God of peace, that brought again from the dead Our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, MAKE YOU PERFECT IN EVERY GOOD WORK TO DO HIS WILL; WORKING IN YOU THAT WHICH IS PLEASING IN HIS SIGHT, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST; TO WHOM BE GLORY FOR EVER AND EVER. AMEN.” (Hebrews 13:20-21)
May it become and be so for you as well.
In Him, James