Believers Foundation Ministries Leaderboard

“His Truth YOU believe makes YOU free”

Jesus tells us there is no truth in the devil and those beings that serve him. The Word of Truth has absolute authority over evil and the sent purpose to undo ALL the works of the evil ones. “On earth as it is in Heaven”. The Truth YOU believe does “in-deed” set YOU free and will “deliver YOU from evil” this day. That means right now, right where YOU are. He is YOUR Salvation. He will set YOUR Spirit, YOUR Soul, and YOUR body free in that order. God is interested in the “this day of YOUR life”. Open YOUR heart to Jesus, receive Him as YOUR Lord. If YOU have already received Him as Savior receive Him again as Lord in Truth. “Repent and believe The Gospel” (Mark 1:15) and The Kingdom of God will surely come in. “I am The way, The Truth and The Life” (John 14:6) will become The reality YOUR Father intended for YOU. God bless YOU and lead and guide YOU into all truth. Have a strong day in The Lord! James.